When night turns into day: Nocturnal restlessness in dogs and how we t Skip to content
Wenn die Nacht zum Tag wird: Nächtliche Unruhe bei Hunden und wie wir Zweibeiner dabei helfen können

When night turns into day: Nocturnal restlessness in dogs and how we two-legged friends can help


Most dogs are active during the day and spend the night sleeping. But what should you do if this suddenly changes and the dog wanders around the apartment at night, changes its sleeping position or even leaves its sleeping place? Restlessness in dogs at night can not only disrupt the dog's sleep, but also that of the owner - and that is not healthy for humans or animals in the long term. In this detailed blog post, we examine the causes of nighttime restlessness in dogs and give comprehensive tips on how we can help our four-legged friends have a restful night.

Causes of nighttime restlessness in dogs

1. Stress

  • Stress is a common cause of nighttime restlessness in dogs. Dogs that live in noisy and noisy environments are often stressed. Moving or living with other animals or people can also increase stress levels. In such cases, the dog stays awake at night to react to possible dangers.

  • Solution: Create a calm environment for your dog. This can be achieved through a separate, safe place to sleep or, if necessary, through behavioral therapy.

2. Fear

  • Anxiety can cause sleep problems in dogs. Dogs can be afraid of many things, such as noise, thunderstorms or other animals and people. Fears can also arise from trauma, stress or certain illnesses such as Cushing's syndrome.

  • Solution: Targeted training with a dog trainer can overcome fears. In severe cases, anxiety-reducing medication can also be helpful in consultation with a veterinarian.

3. Health problems

  • Unfortunately, various illnesses can also cause insomnia in dogs. Pain, digestive problems or joint inflammation can prevent the dog from sleeping properly at night.

  • Solution: If illness is suspected, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help your dog sleep better again.

4. Boredom

  • Some dogs are particularly active at night because they have excess energy. Dogs who have to stay home alone during the day or sleep under the table at the office all day can suffer from boredom.

  • Solution: Make sure your dog gets enough exercise and activity. Long walks, training and games ensure that your four-legged friend is really exhausted at night.

Tips for a restful night

1. Occupation before bedtime

  • Make sure that the dog has had enough exercise and activity before sleeping. This can be achieved through games, training or going for walks together.

2. Cozy place to sleep

  • Offers the dog a comfortable and safe place to sleep. A cozy dog ​​bed in a quiet place can work wonders.

3. Visit the vet if you have health concerns

  • If your dog's nighttime behavior suddenly changes, it could indicate health problems. A visit to the vet is advisable to rule out possible illnesses.

4. Training for anxiety

  • Works with a dog trainer to overcome fears. Professional training can help your four-legged friend feel safer and sleep more relaxed at night.

5. Stress reduction

  • Create a calm environment for your dog. This can be achieved by creating a quiet retreat or, if necessary, behavioral therapy.

6. Exercise to combat boredom

  • Make sure your dog gets enough exercise and mental activity. This not only prevents boredom, but also promotes restful sleep.

Our conclusion

Nocturnal wandering in dogs is not normal behavior and can be a warning sign. As responsible dog owners, we should identify the causes and take targeted action to help our four-legged friends. Whether through sufficient activity, a suitable place to sleep or professional support – a restful night is not only important for us, but also for our loyal companions. Ensure the well-being of your dogs and let the night become a well-deserved sleep again. Because only well-rested dogs are fit and active during the day, and that is in the interest of both dog and owner.

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Toller Beitrag, unser Hund ist genau wie hier beschrieben nachtaktiv und wir haben dadurch schlaflose Nächte. Wir werden ihn jetzt mal tagsüber mehr fordern.

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