Horse feed for easy-feeding breeds Skip to content
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Superfood “Mustang Moments” powered by Pro-Ride Horsemanship was developed specifically for horses that need to be brought closer to freedom and original feeding.
Pension horses benefit from this, as do horses in other forms of keeping. Rich in barrels, low in carbohydrates, rich in vital substances but still with sufficient energy content for horses in normal work and the feeding amount is based on this. This concept horse feed is therefore ideal for mustangs, warm-blooded horses, ponies, small horses and cold-blooded breeds.
Western horses in work that require a low-carbohydrate diet due to a genetic defect also benefit from this unique recipe. What they all have in common is that they are very frugal when it comes to their diet. Overfeeding these horses can therefore quickly have fatal health consequences, such as: B. have equine metabolic syndrome. In particular, excessive energy intake and an oversupply of sugar and starch should be avoided. Instead, it is recommended to feed a low-starch, low-sugar, fiber-rich feed based on hay or alfalfa. Superfood “Mustang” takes into account the special characteristics of affected horses and is free of grain and molasses. Its formula is dominated by fibrous ingredients, such as low-glycemic alfalfa and warm-air-dried grass fiber, for metabolic control. High-quality cold-pressed oils provide the horse with the vital linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids. These provide regulatory support for allergic dispositions, inflammation of the skin and weak immune systems. Of course, all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements are present in high biological availability and if the feeding recommendations are followed, no additional mineral feed is necessary.

  • Ideal for all easy-feeding & robust breeds in work
  • Highly digestible ingredients & fiber-rich structure
  • Greatly reduced sugar and starch content
  • Grain and molasses free - low glycemic recipe
  • Herbs relevant to metabolism also support the liver and cardiovascular system
  • With black cumin and evening primrose oil
  • 100% acceptance guarantee

Happy Horse Superfood Mustang Moments 28 kg

Regular price €54,95
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€1,96 / kg

€1,96 / kg

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  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage

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Daniela Baessler



Superfood “Mustang Moments” powered by Pro-Ride Horsemanship was developed specifically for horses that need to be brought closer to freedom and original feeding.
Pension horses benefit from this, as do horses in other forms of keeping. Rich in barrels, low in carbohydrates, rich in vital substances but still with sufficient energy content for horses in normal work and the feeding amount is based on this. This concept horse feed is therefore ideal for mustangs, warm-blooded horses, ponies, small horses and cold-blooded breeds.
Western horses in work that require a low-carbohydrate diet due to a genetic defect also benefit from this unique recipe. What they all have in common is that they are very frugal when it comes to their diet. Overfeeding these horses can therefore quickly have fatal health consequences, such as: B. have equine metabolic syndrome. In particular, excessive energy intake and an oversupply of sugar and starch should be avoided. Instead, it is recommended to feed a low-starch, low-sugar, fiber-rich feed based on hay or alfalfa. Superfood “Mustang” takes into account the special characteristics of affected horses and is free of grain and molasses. Its formula is dominated by fibrous ingredients, such as low-glycemic alfalfa and warm-air-dried grass fiber, for metabolic control. High-quality cold-pressed oils provide the horse with the vital linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids. These provide regulatory support for allergic dispositions, inflammation of the skin and weak immune systems. Of course, all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements are present in high biological availability and if the feeding recommendations are followed, no additional mineral feed is necessary.

  • Ideal for all easy-feeding & robust breeds in work
  • Highly digestible ingredients & fiber-rich structure
  • Greatly reduced sugar and starch content
  • Grain and molasses free - low glycemic recipe
  • Herbs relevant to metabolism also support the liver and cardiovascular system
  • With black cumin and evening primrose oil
  • 100% acceptance guarantee

Happy Horse Superfood Mustang Moments 28 kg

Obstfasern (Apfel/Traube),
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
gelber Leinsamen fein gecrackt,
Ölmischung kaltgepresst (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne),
Kräuter (Kamille, Thymian, Rosmarin, Mariendistelsamen, Pfefferminze, Fenchel, Weißdorn, Brennnessel),
Calciumcarbonat (maritim und mineralisch),
Sojaflocken hydrothermisch aufgeschlossen* ,
Gerstenflocken (lactofermentiert),
Erbsenflockenmehl lactofermentiert,
*Soja aus regionalem Vertragsanbau (GMO-frei)

Vitamin A 3a672a 17.000 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 1.800 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 690 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 57 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 105 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 52 mg
Biotin 3a880 290 mcg
Calcium-D-Panthothenat 3a841 19 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 145 mg
Nicotinsäure 3a314 40 mg
Folsäure 3a316 5 mg

Eisen gesamt 66 mg
Eisen(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat 3b103 14 mg; Eisen(II) Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 52 mg
Zink gesamt 290 mg
Zinksulfat, Monohydrat 3b605 170 mg; Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 120 mg
Mangan gesamt 237 mg
Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b503 143 mg; Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat 3b506 94 mg
Kupfer gesamt 71 mg
Kupfer(II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 3b405 24 mg; Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 47 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 2,3 mg
Selen gesamt 0,5 mg
Natriumselenit 3b801 0,4 mg; Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 0,1 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 0,67 mg

Technologische Zusatzstoffe:
Kieselgur (Diatomeenerde, gereinigt) E551c 9.500 mg


Rohprotein 10,1 %
Rohfett 11,9 %
Rohfaser 15,8 %
Rohasche 9,1 %
Calcium 1,2 %
Phosphor 0,4 %
Magnesium 0,6 %
Natrium 0,6 %
Stärke 4 %
Zucker 10,2 %
Verd. RP 65,4 g/kg

Made in Germany

Schnelle Lieferung

Direkter Support

Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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