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“Superfood Reis & Sport” is a new generation supplier of vital substances.

Very low grain content
Increased fat content for an easily digestible energy supply
Gluten-free rice bran does not put a strain on the metabolism
Promote muscle building
Ideal for setting up “lost” horses

"Superfood Rice & Sport" offers a complete supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements when fed at 100 g per 100 kg. The special thing about “Rice & Sport” is the low grain content. The new component in this horse feed is now rice bran. In addition to a reduced carbohydrate content (sugar and starch), it offers the advantage of an increased fat content, which in its form represents an easily digestible building block for energy supply. The gluten-free rice bran does not put a strain on the metabolism because it is free from unwanted starch excesses that can occur with conventional grains. The essential amino acids it contains also promote muscle building.

A great horse feed for sport horses which are usually already fed high amounts of grain and/or lose weight on tournament weekends or do not like to eat. It has 100% acceptance.
It is also the first choice for horses that need to gain weight and muscle due to age or illness in combination with high-quality feed oil .


Happy Horse Superfood Rice & Sport 28 kg

Sale price €50,31
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“Superfood Reis & Sport” is a new generation supplier of vital substances.

Very low grain content
Increased fat content for an easily digestible energy supply
Gluten-free rice bran does not put a strain on the metabolism
Promote muscle building
Ideal for setting up “lost” horses

"Superfood Rice & Sport" offers a complete supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements when fed at 100 g per 100 kg. The special thing about “Rice & Sport” is the low grain content. The new component in this horse feed is now rice bran. In addition to a reduced carbohydrate content (sugar and starch), it offers the advantage of an increased fat content, which in its form represents an easily digestible building block for energy supply. The gluten-free rice bran does not put a strain on the metabolism because it is free from unwanted starch excesses that can occur with conventional grains. The essential amino acids it contains also promote muscle building.

A great horse feed for sport horses which are usually already fed high amounts of grain and/or lose weight on tournament weekends or do not like to eat. It has 100% acceptance.
It is also the first choice for horses that need to gain weight and muscle due to age or illness in combination with high-quality feed oil .


Happy Horse Superfood Rice & Sport 28 kg

Flockenmischung lactofermentiert (Gerste, Mais),
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
Grashäcksel warmluftgetrocknet (niederglykämisch),
Ölkuchenmischung (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Obstfasern (Apfel/Traube),
Rübenfasern entmelassiert,
Ölmischung kaltgepresst (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Kanne Fermentgetreide,
Kräuter (Pfefferminze, Thymian, Rosmarin, Fenchel, Brennnessel, Kamille, Petersilie, Liebstöckel, Majoran, Bockshornkleesamen),
Rote Beete,
zertifizierte Futterpflanzenkohle,
Erbsenflockenmehl (lactofermentiert),

Vitamin A 3a672a 30.000 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 3.400 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 252 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 19 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 20 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 10 mg
Biotin 3a880 380 mcg
Calcium-D-Panthothenat 3a841 35 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 530 mg
Nicotinsäure 3a314 70 mg
Folsäure 3a316 9 mg

Eisen gesamt 263 mg
Eisen(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat 3b103 38 mg; Eisen(II) Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 225 mg
Zink gesamt 399 mg
Zinksulfat, Monohydrat 3b605 280 mg; Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 119 mg
Mangan gesamt 270 mg
Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b503 190 mg; Glycin-Mangangchelat-Hydrat 3b506 80 mg
Kupfer gesamt 58 mg
Kupfer(II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 3b405 37 mg; Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 21 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 1,2 mg
Selen gesamt 1,0 mg
Natriumselenit 3b801 0,8 mg; Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 0,2 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 1,2 mg

Technologische Zusatzstoffe:
Kieselgur (Diatomeenerde, gereinigt) E551c 11.660 mg


Rohprotein 11,1 %
Rohfett 9,3 %
Rohfaser 11 %
Rohasche 10,2 %
Calcium 1,4 %
Stärke 18 %
Phosphor 0,7 %
Magnesium 0,25 %
Natrium 0,7 %
Lysin 0,3 %
Methionin 0,2 %
Stärke 18 %
Zucker 6,8 %
Verd. Rohprotein 74,6 g/kg

Made in Germany

Schnelle Lieferung

Direkter Support

Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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