Happy Horse Gastro Revital Muesli Skip to content
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"Gastro-Revital" is a high-quality supplementary feed with a moderate energy content for normally to less active horses. Due to its high-quality ingredients, the absence of grains and molasses and the low content of easily digestible carbohydrates, it is particularly suitable for horses with digestive problems and/or metabolic diseases. “Gastro-Revital” contributes to needs-based feeding, taking a specific health situation into account - without the risk of oversupply!

The main key points of “Gastro-Revital” are:

Adapted, moderate energy density
Due to the adjusted energy content, it is perfect as food for standing days, during convalescence and with normal performance requirements. By supplementing it with concentrated concentrate feed, it can still be fed to horses with high performance requirements.

Grain and molasses free
Due to the reduced starch content and the use of sprouts instead of whole grains, blood sugar levels can be controlled more effectively. The seedlings are characterized by a low glycemic index, which means that they metabolize more slowly, which means that the blood sugar level rises more moderately. In this way, it is possible to prevent metabolic imbalances, especially in predisposed horses.

High digestibility of the ingredients
The selected raw materials are highly digestible and complement each other to create a highly tolerated recipe that is particularly suitable for horses with sensitive digestive tracts and a tendency to various digestive problems.

Excellent fiber mix of digestible and indigestible fibers linseed, beet fiber, alfalfa and bran provide optimal support for the digestive tract, especially in sensitive horses.

Easy soaking
Due to its easy solubility in water, the food can also be easily absorbed by seniors who may have initial dental problems. 


Optimal feeding should always take into account the horse's current energy needs and at the same time ensure a comprehensive supply of all nutrients.
In earlier times, horses still had to work hard and therefore had a high energy consumption. Nowadays, very few horses are so stressed that, in addition to the indispensable roughage such as hay and straw, large quantities of high-calorie concentrated feed would be necessary. In addition to the fact that the majority of horses have limited energy requirements due to a reduced level of activity , there are also numerous health-related reasons (lameness, operations, etc.) why our horses need to be fed a lower-energy diet. Even after recovering from an illness, it often takes time until normal performance levels are reached again. If you were to feed the horse consistently during this time, there would quickly be an excess of energy, which could have a negative impact on its figure and the animal's metabolism. Breeds that are particularly easy-to-feed are prone to metabolic disorders with dangerous consequences for health. In addition to the complex metabolic diseases, the majority of our horses today suffer from various digestive problems with complex backgrounds. One aspect here is certainly incorrect feeding (too low in fiber, too high in starch, energy and sugar).
"Gastro-Revital" is ideal as an energy-reduced diet for horses with metabolism or digestive problems. Due to its moderate energy content, it is a food that counteracts phases of reduced energy consumption and helps avoid dangerous oversupply. Horses with metabolic diseases also benefit from the low starch content and the absence of grain and molasses. Seedlings with a low glycemic index help these animals to control their carbohydrate metabolism and prevent it from derailing. The highest quality ingredients, carefully combined, ensure optimal tolerability and digestibility and make the feed a useful supplement for horses with digestive problems of various natures. In addition to the properties mentioned, “Gastro-Revital” provides your horse with vital substances such as magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and vitamins in high concentrations. The metabolism is actively supported through balanced mineralization.

Happy Horse Gastro Revital muesli 14 kg

Regular price €25,95
Unit price

€1,85 / kg

€1,85 / kg

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  • Angepasste, moderate Energiedichte
  • Getreide- und Melassefrei
  • Hohe Verdaulichkeit der Zutaten
  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage

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"Gastro-Revital" is a high-quality supplementary feed with a moderate energy content for normally to less active horses. Due to its high-quality ingredients, the absence of grains and molasses and the low content of easily digestible carbohydrates, it is particularly suitable for horses with digestive problems and/or metabolic diseases. “Gastro-Revital” contributes to needs-based feeding, taking a specific health situation into account - without the risk of oversupply!

The main key points of “Gastro-Revital” are:

Adapted, moderate energy density
Due to the adjusted energy content, it is perfect as food for standing days, during convalescence and with normal performance requirements. By supplementing it with concentrated concentrate feed, it can still be fed to horses with high performance requirements.

Grain and molasses free
Due to the reduced starch content and the use of sprouts instead of whole grains, blood sugar levels can be controlled more effectively. The seedlings are characterized by a low glycemic index, which means that they metabolize more slowly, which means that the blood sugar level rises more moderately. In this way, it is possible to prevent metabolic imbalances, especially in predisposed horses.

High digestibility of the ingredients
The selected raw materials are highly digestible and complement each other to create a highly tolerated recipe that is particularly suitable for horses with sensitive digestive tracts and a tendency to various digestive problems.

Excellent fiber mix of digestible and indigestible fibers linseed, beet fiber, alfalfa and bran provide optimal support for the digestive tract, especially in sensitive horses.

Easy soaking
Due to its easy solubility in water, the food can also be easily absorbed by seniors who may have initial dental problems. 


Optimal feeding should always take into account the horse's current energy needs and at the same time ensure a comprehensive supply of all nutrients.
In earlier times, horses still had to work hard and therefore had a high energy consumption. Nowadays, very few horses are so stressed that, in addition to the indispensable roughage such as hay and straw, large quantities of high-calorie concentrated feed would be necessary. In addition to the fact that the majority of horses have limited energy requirements due to a reduced level of activity , there are also numerous health-related reasons (lameness, operations, etc.) why our horses need to be fed a lower-energy diet. Even after recovering from an illness, it often takes time until normal performance levels are reached again. If you were to feed the horse consistently during this time, there would quickly be an excess of energy, which could have a negative impact on its figure and the animal's metabolism. Breeds that are particularly easy-to-feed are prone to metabolic disorders with dangerous consequences for health. In addition to the complex metabolic diseases, the majority of our horses today suffer from various digestive problems with complex backgrounds. One aspect here is certainly incorrect feeding (too low in fiber, too high in starch, energy and sugar).
"Gastro-Revital" is ideal as an energy-reduced diet for horses with metabolism or digestive problems. Due to its moderate energy content, it is a food that counteracts phases of reduced energy consumption and helps avoid dangerous oversupply. Horses with metabolic diseases also benefit from the low starch content and the absence of grain and molasses. Seedlings with a low glycemic index help these animals to control their carbohydrate metabolism and prevent it from derailing. The highest quality ingredients, carefully combined, ensure optimal tolerability and digestibility and make the feed a useful supplement for horses with digestive problems of various natures. In addition to the properties mentioned, “Gastro-Revital” provides your horse with vital substances such as magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and vitamins in high concentrations. The metabolism is actively supported through balanced mineralization.

Happy Horse Gastro Revital muesli 14 kg

Hirse fermentiert,
Rübenfasern entmelassiert,
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
Flockenmischung lactofermentiert (Maiskeime, Gerste, Maisflocken),
Ölmischung kaltgepresst (Lein-, Sonnenblumen-, Schwarzkümmelöl),
Ölkuchenmischung (Lein-, Sonnenblumen-, Schwarzkümmelsamen),
Obstfasermischung (Apfel, Traube),
Grashäcksel warmluftgetrocknet (niederglykämisch),
Sojaflocken hydrothermisch aufgeschlossen* ,
Kräuter (Fenchel, Thymian, Rosmarin, Weißdorn, Koriander, Pfefferminze, Brennnessel, Kamille),
*Soja aus regionalem Vertragsanbau (G MO-frei)

Vitamin A 3a672a 12500 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 1300 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 190 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 60 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 110 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 53 mg
Biotin 3a880 200 mcg
Calcium-D-Pantothenat 3a841 15 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 155 mg
Nicotinsäure 3a314 30 mg
Folsäure 3a316 4 mg

Eisen als Eisen(II) Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 50 mg
Zink als Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 150 mg
Mangan als Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat 3b506 115 mg
Kupfer als Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 26 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 2,2 mg
Selen als Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 0,35 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 0,35 mg

Technologische Zusatzstoffe:
Kieselgur (Diatomeenerde, gereinigt) E551c 4 400 mg


Rohprotein 11 %
Rohfett 9,6 %
Rohfaser 10,7 %
Rohasche 6,8 %
Calcium 0,9 %
Phosphor 0,4 %
Magnesium 0,16 %
Natrium 0,27 %
Stärke 8,7 %
Zucker 11,3 %
verd. Rohprotein 73,7 g/kg

Made in Germany

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Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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