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“Superfood Hoof Treatment” was created by applying the latest scientific findings to significantly improve hoof growth and horn quality - even in difficult cases - through an effective combination of nutrients with high biological availability.

High content of keratin-forming amino acids to improve hoof growth
High biotin content
 Natural herbs to promote hoof circulation

High content of natural minerals to strengthen the hoof horn
High content of highly bioavailable trace elements
Improvement of metabolism and external appearance

There is a saying that says “no hoof, no horse”. Horse hooves are vital organs whose function is connected to all other organs of the body in various ways. Hoof diseases can be a sign of diseases affecting the horse as a whole. Hoofs can be an indicator of horse health. Hoof problems are to be taken very seriously. Due to the slow hoof growth of 8 to 10 mm per month, they can only be remedied through lengthy treatment. For this reason, emphasis should be placed on a comprehensive nutrient supply in order to prevent specific deficiencies.
By applying the latest scientific findings, Happy Horse was able to create an effective feeding concept to promote optimal hoof quality. Natural vital substances of the highest quality are used, which can have a positive effect on the entire horse organism. By using “Superfood Hoof Treatment”, hoof growth and hoof quality are significantly improved. “Hufkur” contains important protein sources directly or via natural ingredients such as brewer’s yeast, linseed, chlorella algae and herbs. The supply of the amino acids methionine, cysteine ​​and lysine ensures the production of the basic hoof building block keratin and thus optimizes hoof growth. The strengthening of the hoof horn is ensured by mineral substances. Zinc, manganese, copper, iron, organic sulfur compounds, silicon and calcium are present in their natural binding forms, so bioavailability for the horse can be ensured. Digestion is also optimized by giving “hoof treatment”. By adding brewer's yeast and the trace element cobalt, the intestinal flora is stabilized and the body's own biotin production is stimulated. Another important factor for a healthy hoof is ensuring material transport. This can be improved by the herbs and unsaturated fatty acids contained in “Superfood Hoof Treatment”.

Studies show that the complex mixture of hoof-specific nutrients can significantly improve the horn quality of brittle and cracked hooves. The elasticity, toughness and fog resistance were significantly increased. In this way, an intact, resilient horn capsule can be formed again.
Supplementary feeding is recommended over a period of six months. It can also be used as a treatment for a horse prone to hoof problems.

Happy Horse hoof construction 5 kg

Regular price €39,95
Unit price

€7,99 / kg

€7,99 / kg

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Artikel Nr.


  • Hoher Gehalt an Biotin
  • Hoher Gehalt an keratinbildenden Aminosäuren
  • Hoher Gehalt an natürlichen Mineralien
  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage

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ab 69€ in DE

Customer Reviews

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Katharina Laumann
Beschreibung auf Homepage zu ungenau

Leider enthält das Futter viele unterschiedliche Getreidesorten und ist nicht Zucker frei. Leider war dies auf der Homepage nicht ersichtlich. Auf meine Anfrage, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt das Futter zurückzusenden hat der Kundendienst leider immer noch nicht reagiert.


“Superfood Hoof Treatment” was created by applying the latest scientific findings to significantly improve hoof growth and horn quality - even in difficult cases - through an effective combination of nutrients with high biological availability.

High content of keratin-forming amino acids to improve hoof growth
High biotin content
 Natural herbs to promote hoof circulation

High content of natural minerals to strengthen the hoof horn
High content of highly bioavailable trace elements
Improvement of metabolism and external appearance

There is a saying that says “no hoof, no horse”. Horse hooves are vital organs whose function is connected to all other organs of the body in various ways. Hoof diseases can be a sign of diseases affecting the horse as a whole. Hoofs can be an indicator of horse health. Hoof problems are to be taken very seriously. Due to the slow hoof growth of 8 to 10 mm per month, they can only be remedied through lengthy treatment. For this reason, emphasis should be placed on a comprehensive nutrient supply in order to prevent specific deficiencies.
By applying the latest scientific findings, Happy Horse was able to create an effective feeding concept to promote optimal hoof quality. Natural vital substances of the highest quality are used, which can have a positive effect on the entire horse organism. By using “Superfood Hoof Treatment”, hoof growth and hoof quality are significantly improved. “Hufkur” contains important protein sources directly or via natural ingredients such as brewer’s yeast, linseed, chlorella algae and herbs. The supply of the amino acids methionine, cysteine ​​and lysine ensures the production of the basic hoof building block keratin and thus optimizes hoof growth. The strengthening of the hoof horn is ensured by mineral substances. Zinc, manganese, copper, iron, organic sulfur compounds, silicon and calcium are present in their natural binding forms, so bioavailability for the horse can be ensured. Digestion is also optimized by giving “hoof treatment”. By adding brewer's yeast and the trace element cobalt, the intestinal flora is stabilized and the body's own biotin production is stimulated. Another important factor for a healthy hoof is ensuring material transport. This can be improved by the herbs and unsaturated fatty acids contained in “Superfood Hoof Treatment”.

Studies show that the complex mixture of hoof-specific nutrients can significantly improve the horn quality of brittle and cracked hooves. The elasticity, toughness and fog resistance were significantly increased. In this way, an intact, resilient horn capsule can be formed again.
Supplementary feeding is recommended over a period of six months. It can also be used as a treatment for a horse prone to hoof problems.

Happy Horse hoof construction 5 kg

Ölkuchenmischung (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Kräuter (Bockshornklee, Zinnkraut, Kamille),
Ölmischung (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel)
Malz-Hefe-Würze (fermentiertes Malz, fermentierte Hefe, inaktiviert),
Hirse gepufft,
Calciumcarbonat (maritim),
Obsttrester (Apfel/Traube),
Gerstenflocken lactofermentiert,
Rübentrockenschnitzel entmelassiert,
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
Erbsenflockenmehl lactofermentiert,
Magnesiumsulfat (wasserfrei),
Hefeerzeugnisse (reich an RNA und Nukleotiden),

Vitamin A 3a672a 30.000 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 3.300 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 900 mg
Vitamin C 3a300 10.000 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 100 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 140 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 70 mg
Vitamin B12 / Cyanocobalamin 200 mcg
Biotin 3a880 80.000 mcg
Calcium-D-Panthothenat 3a841 100 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 1.700 mg
Niacin 3a314 210 mg
Folsäure 3a314 25 mg
Eisen gesamt 247 mg
Eisen(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat 3b103 77 mg
Eisen(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 170 mg
Zink gesamt 2 539 mg
Zinksulfat, Monohydrat 3b605 564 mg
Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 1975 mg
Mangan gesamt 1128 mg
Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b503 326 mg
Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat 3b506 802 mg
Kupfer gesamt 565 mg
Kupfer(II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 3b405 76mg
Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat(fest) 3b413 489 mg
Cobalt als Cobalt(II)carbonat 3b302 34 mg
Selen als Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 2,6 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 2,8 mg
Kieselgur (Diatomeenerde, gereinigt) E551c 39.000 mg
Klinoptilolith sedimentären Ursprungs 1g568 1,25 mg


Rohprotein 18 %
Rohfett 11 %
Rohfaser 11 %
Rohasche 15 %
Stärke 8,2 %
Zucker 3,4 %
Verd. RP 137,9 g/kg
Calcium 1,8 %
Phosphor 0,5 %
Magnesium 0,3, %
Natrium 0,6 %
Lysin 0,8 %
Methionin 2,0 %
Cystein 0,2 %

Made in Germany

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Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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