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The all-round solution for inexpensive but high-quality basic leisure or sports activities - with this basic feed you can offer your horse a healthy, complete concentrate made from valuable structural fibers, processed grains and high-quality oil fruits.

This ensures an extremely good basic supply of horse feed for your horse. The favorite pellet becomes a very affordable, but still high-quality feeding alternative.

valuable structural fibers
highly digested grain
high-quality oil fruits

Barley flakes, chopped alfalfa, wheat bran, barley germ, apple pomace, finely ground linseed, herbs (rosemary, fennel, anise, chamomile), wheat germ, corn flakes, sugar beet pulp, sugar beet molasses, seaweed lime, malt yeast extract (“Equimall”), can of Fermented Grain® liquid , warm air-dried grass shreds, grape seed extract, sea salt, corn germ, hemp oil cake, black cumin seeds, brewer's yeast, mineral premix, cold-pressed linseed and sunflower oil

Feeding recommendation:
8 year old horse, light to medium work, 560 kg: 7 kg hay,
0.5 to 2 kg basic whole food pellet, 600 g Sensitive Plus

Crude protein 9.8%
Crude fat 3.7%
Crude fiber 13%
Crude ash 9%
digestible crude protein 88.0 g/kg
digestible energy 10.3 MJ/kg
Calcium 1.2%
Phosphorus 0.5%
Magnesium 0.3%
Sodium 0.4%
Potassium 1.0%

Nutritional additives per kg:
Vitamin A 1,3000 IU
Vitamin D 3 1,400 IU
Vitamin E 70 mg
Vitamin B 1 10 mg
Vitamin B2 10 mg
Vitamin B6 10 mg
Vitamin B12 30 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Silica 5000 mg
Calcium pantothenate 25 mg
Choline chloride 1000 mg
Nicotinic acid 80 mg
Folic acid 5 mg

Trace elements per kg:
Zinc 160 mg
Selenium 0.5 mg
Copper 25 mg
Iron 230 mg
Manganese 120 mg
Cobalt 3.5 mg
Iodine 1.5 mg

Happy Horse favorite pellets 28 kg

Regular price €35,90
Unit price

€1,28 / kg

€1,28 / kg

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout

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ab 69€ in DE


The all-round solution for inexpensive but high-quality basic leisure or sports activities - with this basic feed you can offer your horse a healthy, complete concentrate made from valuable structural fibers, processed grains and high-quality oil fruits.

This ensures an extremely good basic supply of horse feed for your horse. The favorite pellet becomes a very affordable, but still high-quality feeding alternative.

valuable structural fibers
highly digested grain
high-quality oil fruits

Barley flakes, chopped alfalfa, wheat bran, barley germ, apple pomace, finely ground linseed, herbs (rosemary, fennel, anise, chamomile), wheat germ, corn flakes, sugar beet pulp, sugar beet molasses, seaweed lime, malt yeast extract (“Equimall”), can of Fermented Grain® liquid , warm air-dried grass shreds, grape seed extract, sea salt, corn germ, hemp oil cake, black cumin seeds, brewer's yeast, mineral premix, cold-pressed linseed and sunflower oil

Feeding recommendation:
8 year old horse, light to medium work, 560 kg: 7 kg hay,
0.5 to 2 kg basic whole food pellet, 600 g Sensitive Plus

Crude protein 9.8%
Crude fat 3.7%
Crude fiber 13%
Crude ash 9%
digestible crude protein 88.0 g/kg
digestible energy 10.3 MJ/kg
Calcium 1.2%
Phosphorus 0.5%
Magnesium 0.3%
Sodium 0.4%
Potassium 1.0%

Nutritional additives per kg:
Vitamin A 1,3000 IU
Vitamin D 3 1,400 IU
Vitamin E 70 mg
Vitamin B 1 10 mg
Vitamin B2 10 mg
Vitamin B6 10 mg
Vitamin B12 30 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Silica 5000 mg
Calcium pantothenate 25 mg
Choline chloride 1000 mg
Nicotinic acid 80 mg
Folic acid 5 mg

Trace elements per kg:
Zinc 160 mg
Selenium 0.5 mg
Copper 25 mg
Iron 230 mg
Manganese 120 mg
Cobalt 3.5 mg
Iodine 1.5 mg

Happy Horse favorite pellets 28 kg

Gerstenflocken lactofermentiert,
Ölkuchenmischung (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmelsamen),
Obstfasern (Apfel/Traube),
Rübenfasern entmelassiert,
Grashäcksel warmluftgetrocknet (niederglykämisch),
Calciumcarbonat (maritim und mineralisch),
Kräuter (Pfefferminze, Thymian, Rosmarin, Brennnessel, Bockshornkleesamen, Kamille),
Maisflocken lactofermentiert,
zertifizierte Pflanzenfutterkohle,

Vitamin A 3a672a 14.000 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 1.600 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 65 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 8 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 8 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 4 mg
Biotin 3a880 360 mcg
Calcium-D-Panthothenat 3a841 17 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 160 mg
Nicotinsäure 3a314 33 mg
Folsäure 3a316 4 mg

Eisen als Eisen(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b103 10 mg
Zink gesamt 140 mg
Zinksulfat, Monohydrat 3b605 76 mg, Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 64 mg
Mangan als Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b503 39 mg
Kupfer gesamt 33 mg
Kupfer(II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 3b405 12 mg; Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 22 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 1,0 mg
Selen als Natriumselenit 3b801 0,3 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 0,5 mg


Rohprotein 12,7 %
Rohfett 4,3 %
Rohfaser 14,5 %
Rohasche 9,1 %
Calcium 1,5 %
Phosphor 0,5 %
Magnesium 0,3 %
Natrium 0,4 %
Verd. RP 89,3 g/kg
Stärke 20 %
Zucker 4,5 %

Made in Germany

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