Grain and molasses free feed for horses Skip to content
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"Superfood Security" is a sugar and starch-reduced feed and was developed specifically for the needs of horses with metabolic diseases such as equine metabolic syndrome, laminitis and equine Cushing's syndrome. But Sensitive Security is also the right choice for horses that require grain-free feeding due to muscle diseases such as tying up, PSSM and rhabdomyolysis and can also be used for stomach ulcers.

Grain and molasses free
Greatly reduced starch and sugar content

High content of low glycemic fiber
Stabilization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism
High feed volume with low energy intake at the same time

It's not just people who suffer from obesity, more and more horses are also falling victim to this wealth problem. It particularly affects easy-to-feed and frugal breeds. Little exercise and a diet that is low in vital substances and high in energy leads to obesity, which can lead to Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and cause other problems such as laminitis and organ problems. EMS can be recognized by the typical fat deposits on the mane comb, above the tail and on the shoulder. The fat deposit formation that occurs during EMS can lead to insulin resistance. The fat deposits are by no means passive storage tissue but rather very active hormone glands. The hormones produced by fatty tissue eventually lead to insulin resistance. A vicious circle is created. The permanently elevated blood sugar and insulin levels are damaging to tissue and lead to other diseases such as laminitis and organ diseases. The overall ration for overweight horses should be reduced in starch and sugar to avoid EMS and laminitis. In addition, energy intake should be significantly reduced and a strict exercise program should be implemented.
Metabolic diseases lead to muscle problems and reduce the horse's well-being and performance. In order to restore metabolic balance, feeding must also be adjusted. To stabilize metabolism, the starch and sugar content must be reduced.
"Superfood Security" is ideal as a low-energy diet for horses that are at risk or are already sick. Scientific studies have shown that reducing non-structured carbohydrates such as starch and sugar can help to get metabolic diseases that are caused by an excess of sugar and starch under control. Sensitive Security contains approx. 80% less starch and sugar than oats and is therefore ideal as a structure-rich, low-energy feed. To stabilize insulin function, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, "Superfood Security" offers vital substances such as magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, lecithin and antioxidants such as vitamin E and fruit flavonoids in high concentrations. The metabolism is actively supported through balanced mineralization. The causes of laminitis can be prevented in this way.


Happy Horse Superfood Security - Grain & Molasses Free 28 kg

Regular price €52,90
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€1,89 / kg

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€1,89 / kg

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Ramona J.

Perfekt für mein Pferd!


"Superfood Security" is a sugar and starch-reduced feed and was developed specifically for the needs of horses with metabolic diseases such as equine metabolic syndrome, laminitis and equine Cushing's syndrome. But Sensitive Security is also the right choice for horses that require grain-free feeding due to muscle diseases such as tying up, PSSM and rhabdomyolysis and can also be used for stomach ulcers.

Grain and molasses free
Greatly reduced starch and sugar content

High content of low glycemic fiber
Stabilization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism
High feed volume with low energy intake at the same time

It's not just people who suffer from obesity, more and more horses are also falling victim to this wealth problem. It particularly affects easy-to-feed and frugal breeds. Little exercise and a diet that is low in vital substances and high in energy leads to obesity, which can lead to Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and cause other problems such as laminitis and organ problems. EMS can be recognized by the typical fat deposits on the mane comb, above the tail and on the shoulder. The fat deposit formation that occurs during EMS can lead to insulin resistance. The fat deposits are by no means passive storage tissue but rather very active hormone glands. The hormones produced by fatty tissue eventually lead to insulin resistance. A vicious circle is created. The permanently elevated blood sugar and insulin levels are damaging to tissue and lead to other diseases such as laminitis and organ diseases. The overall ration for overweight horses should be reduced in starch and sugar to avoid EMS and laminitis. In addition, energy intake should be significantly reduced and a strict exercise program should be implemented.
Metabolic diseases lead to muscle problems and reduce the horse's well-being and performance. In order to restore metabolic balance, feeding must also be adjusted. To stabilize metabolism, the starch and sugar content must be reduced.
"Superfood Security" is ideal as a low-energy diet for horses that are at risk or are already sick. Scientific studies have shown that reducing non-structured carbohydrates such as starch and sugar can help to get metabolic diseases that are caused by an excess of sugar and starch under control. Sensitive Security contains approx. 80% less starch and sugar than oats and is therefore ideal as a structure-rich, low-energy feed. To stabilize insulin function, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, "Superfood Security" offers vital substances such as magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, lecithin and antioxidants such as vitamin E and fruit flavonoids in high concentrations. The metabolism is actively supported through balanced mineralization. The causes of laminitis can be prevented in this way.


Happy Horse Superfood Security - Grain & Molasses Free 28 kg

Grashäcksel warmluftgetrocknet (niederglykämisch),
Rübenfasern entmelassiert,
Obstfasern (Apfel/ Traube),
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
Ölsaaten- und Ölkuchenmischung (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Ölmischung kaltgepresst (Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Kräuter (Kamille, Fenchel, Pfefferminze, Rosmarin, Weißdorn, Brennnessel, Koriander, Bockshornkleesamen, Mariendistelsamen, Thymian),
Sojaflocken hydrothermisch aufgeschlossen*,

Vitamin A 3a672a 15.000 IE
Vitamin D3 3a671 1.650 IE
Vitamin E 3a700 657 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 43 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 79 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 40 mg
Biotin 3a880 275 mcg
Calcium-D-Panthothenat 3a841 17 mg
Cholinchlorid 3a890 205 mg
Nicotinsäure 3a314 37 mg
Folsäure 3a316 4,5 mg

Eisen gesamt 57 mg
Eisen(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat 3b103 22mg; Eisen(II)Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 35 mg
Zink gesamt 370 mg
Zinksulfat, Monohydrat 3b605 274 mg; Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 96 mg
Mangan gesamt 299 mg
Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 3b503 227 mg; Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat 3b506 72 mg
Kupfer gesamt 64 mg
Kupfer(II)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 3b405 41 mg; Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 23 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 3 mg
Selen gesamt 0,8 mg
Natriumselenit 3b801 0,6 mg; Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 0,2 mg
Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei 3b202 1 mg

Technologische Zusatzstoffe:
Kieselgur (Diatomeenerde, gereinigt) E551c 10375 mg


Rohprotein 10 %
Rohfett 9,4 %
Rohfaser 18,4 %
Rohasche 9 %
Calcium 1,3 %
Phosphor 0,4 %
Magnesium 0,7 %
Natrium 0,6 %
Stärke 3,6 %
Zucker 7,7 %

Made in Germany

Schnelle Lieferung

Direkter Support

Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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