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Superfood “Vital Balance” closes gaps in the nutrient supply through a high proportion of biologically available minerals and trace elements and thus makes an important contribution to optimal feeding for all horses with supply shortages. It strengthens the immune system sustainably and also supports regeneration.

High biological availability of minerals and trace elements
To quickly compensate for deficiency symptoms
after buying a horse with unknown feeding
Active support of the organism through regulatory protein elements
Quickly visible feeding successes

Deficiency symptoms in horses often have a variety of causes. They manifest themselves in inexplicable tiredness or poor performance, skin and hoof problems, nervousness, immune system disorders or problems with feed conversion as well as flatulence, colic and viral diseases such as the equine herpes virus. These symptoms can have various causes, but in many cases they are caused by a trace element deficiency. The trace element requirements are often not covered by the basic feed and the addition of grain. The reasons for this can be a nutrient-poor soil combined with overuse or one-sided fertilization, which leads to a lack of mineral-rich herbs. This deficiency in the basic feed (pasture grass, hay, silage) also causes a gap in the horse's supply of trace elements.
Superfood “Vital Balancing” offers organically bound minerals and trace elements. This form of binding means that the minerals and trace elements are highly biologically available and ensure that the deficiency is quickly compensated for. The high biological availability is achieved by binding the minerals and trace elements as amino acid chelates or as sugar compounds, as well as ingredients from yeast, algae or dairy products. This benefits the immune system, metabolism, the horse's ability to cope with stress and the digestive system. In addition, the horse's organism is supplied with regulatory protein building blocks. In this way, the function of trace elements in the body can be actively supported. “Vital balancing” closes the gaps in the horse’s nutrient supply and promotes the horse’s vitality.

Happy Horse Vital Balancing - Pro immune 5 kg

Regular price €76,95
Unit price

€15,39 / kg

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Artikel Nr.


  • Hohe biologische Verfügbarkeit von Mineralien und Spurenelementen
  • Zum raschen Ausgleich von Mangelerscheinungen
  • Schnell sichtbare Fütterungserfolge
  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage

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Superfood “Vital Balance” closes gaps in the nutrient supply through a high proportion of biologically available minerals and trace elements and thus makes an important contribution to optimal feeding for all horses with supply shortages. It strengthens the immune system sustainably and also supports regeneration.

High biological availability of minerals and trace elements
To quickly compensate for deficiency symptoms
after buying a horse with unknown feeding
Active support of the organism through regulatory protein elements
Quickly visible feeding successes

Deficiency symptoms in horses often have a variety of causes. They manifest themselves in inexplicable tiredness or poor performance, skin and hoof problems, nervousness, immune system disorders or problems with feed conversion as well as flatulence, colic and viral diseases such as the equine herpes virus. These symptoms can have various causes, but in many cases they are caused by a trace element deficiency. The trace element requirements are often not covered by the basic feed and the addition of grain. The reasons for this can be a nutrient-poor soil combined with overuse or one-sided fertilization, which leads to a lack of mineral-rich herbs. This deficiency in the basic feed (pasture grass, hay, silage) also causes a gap in the horse's supply of trace elements.
Superfood “Vital Balancing” offers organically bound minerals and trace elements. This form of binding means that the minerals and trace elements are highly biologically available and ensure that the deficiency is quickly compensated for. The high biological availability is achieved by binding the minerals and trace elements as amino acid chelates or as sugar compounds, as well as ingredients from yeast, algae or dairy products. This benefits the immune system, metabolism, the horse's ability to cope with stress and the digestive system. In addition, the horse's organism is supplied with regulatory protein building blocks. In this way, the function of trace elements in the body can be actively supported. “Vital balancing” closes the gaps in the horse’s nutrient supply and promotes the horse’s vitality.

Happy Horse Vital Balancing - Pro immune 5 kg

Flockenmischung lactofermentiert (Gerste, Mais, Erbsen),
Ölkuchenmischung (Lein, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel),
Rübentrockenschnitzel entmelassiert,
Karotten, Calciumcarbonat (maritim),
Malz-Hefe-Würze (fermentiertes Malz, fermetierte Hefe, inaktiviert),
PalaSyrup (Isomaltulosemel.),
Ölmischung (Lein, Sonnenblumenkerne, Schwarzkümmel, Canola),
Obsttrester (Apfel/Traube),
Magnesiumsulfat (wasserfrei),

Vitamin E 3a700 2 000 mg
Vitamin B1 3a821 340 mg
Vitamin B2 3a825i 680 mg
Vitamin B6 3a831 340 mg
Vitamin B12 / Cyanocobalamin 51 mcg
Biotin 3a880 5 000 mcg
Eisen als Eisen(II) Glycinchelat-Hydrat 3b108 2 300 mg
Zink als Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b607 7 500 mg
Mangan als Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat 3b506 7 100 mg
Kupfer als Kupfer(II)-Glycinchelat-Hydrat (fest) 3b413 990 mg
Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt(II)carbonat-Granulat 3b304 12,5 mg
Selen als Selenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiviert 3b810 7 mg
Technologische Zusatzstoffe
Klinoptilolith sedimentären Ursprungs 1g568 20 mg


Rohprotein 14 %
Rohfett 13 %
Rohfaser 7,5 %
Rohasche 13 %
Stärke 4,7 %
Zucker 5,2 %
Verd. RP 101,2 g/kg
Calcium 1,7 %
Phosphor 0,3 %
Magnesium 0,8, %
Natrium 1 %

Made in Germany

Schnelle Lieferung

Direkter Support

Oberste Priorität Tierschutz

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