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So kommt Glanz ins Fell und was man beachten sollte!

This is how your fur shines and what you should pay attention to!


For people, the drugstores have a shampoo here and a spray there, biotin capsules and beauty pills to give your beautiful hair a certain shine. Of course, the range of products offered for animals is just as enormous, but often not very effective.

There is the shampoo for the poodle, the white or black dog, nutritional supplement oils and powders - all at a proud price. But isn't it drummed into us in every dog ​​book and at the vet that dogs shouldn't be bathed so often? But what to do if you have dull, flaky fur? A shiny coat is a sign of your dog's health from the inside out.

Even simple products from the pantry can help the coat to have a shimmering shine and healthy skin and therefore have a big impact on the health and well-being of your dog.

Feed your dog beer yeast flakes every day, they provide valuable vitamins. You can also add linseed, which also offers a good way to enrich the food. However, linseed should be fed ground, ground or boiled. A dash of apple cider vinegar in the water or over the food revitalizes the metabolism and ensures a shiny coat.

Vegetable oils contain valuable unsaturated fatty acids that the dog's body cannot produce itself. Oils also contain vitamins E and B as well as protein. A small amount regularly ensures shiny fur and is good for regulating fat metabolism.

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